Who We Are
Companies don’t create value - people do.
WCCO, Dec 2022
Governor’s Homeland Security & Emergency Mgmt Conference, April 2023
Fifty million Americans quit their job in the last year - the highest number since tracking began in 2000. 75% of people are planning to look for a new job this year. The reasons people quit (or “quiet quit”) are as diverse as they are, and a one-size-fits-all approach to retention is failing. Identifying issues and bringing them to your manager’s attention can be challenging, causing some employees to leave rather than ask for what they need.
The founder of WhyWork, Leah Phifer, is no stranger to this dilemma. She’s accumulated 15+ years’ experience in human resources, education, and crisis management. She loves public service, but in late 2021, she was among the millions of Americans reevaluating priorities. “I’ve interviewed suspected terrorists and managed emergency intake sites on the border. I’m assertive and have great confidence in my work,” said Phifer. However, after the sudden passing of her father and an intense period at work, she found herself hesitant to ask for what she needed to be successful and reengaged at work.
While agonizing over how to craft the request, Phifer received a workplace survey soliciting feedback on everything from culture to customers. “It was 53 open-ended questions,” she said. “I tried to finish it, but emails and calls kept pulling me away. It was just too long.” She realized many employers want to solicit feedback and employees want to give it, but neither know how to do so effectively.
Drawing on her extensive experience in HR and crisis management, Phifer formulated a four-step process to mitigate the largest HR crisis in decades. The WhyWork process cuts through the barriers to effective communication at work, providing teams with tools to create candid conversations. The world of work is changing fast; employees know what they need and employers want to support them. Let WhyWork help make those conversations happen.
“Several external factors converged upon the American workforce the past few years, causing many to reevaluate how work fits into their lives. There is no going back, but we can have more meaningful conversations about what we need moving forward.”
- Leah Phifer, Founder of WhyWork
Leah spent 15 years in crisis management and human resources with the federal government before launching WhyWork in 2021 to address the largest HR crisis in decades - plummeting engagement and retention levels in the U.S. workforce. As a former instructor of Statistical Methodology & Research Design at Augsburg University, Leah implements unique communication and research methodologies – including Lego® Serious Play® - to improve engagement and mitigate burnout for individuals, teams and organizations. Fluent in Spanish, Leah holds a Masters degree in Public Policy from the University of Minnesota and lives in Minneapolis with her husband and their dog Travis.