What We Do

In today’s evolving workforce, you need more than an annual check-in on your team’s engagement levels. Craft a plan for consistent dialogue to keep your team thriving all year long.

Don’t miss our workshop offerings below!

Organizations/Teams of 40 employees or less

Uncover your team's spark in 90 days. This employee engagement project dives deep into the unique drivers of your team’s engagement.

  • The project starts with a survey targeted at discovering the elements that drive or inhibit your workforce’s engagement.

  • Following the survey, each team member books a one-on-one engagement interview to dig deeper into what they uniquely need to thrive at work.

  • The whole team comes together for an interactive workshop designed to improve knowledge of general employee engagement principles, as well as the unique drivers that surfaced during the survey and interview stage. Add Lego Serious Play to tackle any specific challenge a team’s facing!

  • The project concludes with a concise action report outlining themes and corresponding actions to improve employee engagement at your organization. It also includes a customized listening strategy to keep your pulse on workforce sentiment all year long!

Organizations/Teams of 40 employees or more

Gain a deeper understanding of what motivates your team and unlock their full potential through this 90-day employee engagement project.

  • The project starts with a survey targeted at discovering the elements that drive or inhibit your workforce’s engagement.

  • A variety of employee focus groups will convene around the survey’s salient themes, diving deeper into the data and allowing employees to bring forward their own solutions.

  • Bring leadership together for an interactive workshop designed to improve knowledge of employee engagement principles, as well as the unique drivers that surfaced during the survey and focus groups. Add Lego Serious Play to tackle any specific challenges too!

  • The project concludes with a concise action report outlining themes and corresponding actions to improve employee engagement. It also includes a customized listening strategy to keep your pulse on workforce sentiment all year long!

Workshops That Work.

Employee engagement is the cornerstone of any thriving team, yet most of us don’t know how to define it. WhyWork workshops equip teams with the tools to understand the importance of employee engagement, collectively and individually, and its effect on our personal and professional lives. Choose from a variety of workshops designed to cultivate individual and team engagement, fostering a more collaborative and productive work environment.

  • Employee Engagement Principles

    This two-hour workshop covers the three elements of employee engagement, how to achieve them in the context of your industry, and how engagement is related to productivity, wellbeing and growth. Also includes a section on the opposite of employee engagement (burnout).

    Ask about incorporating the Lego Serious Play methodology to help your team dive deeper on what truly engages them at work!

  • This two-hour workshop is a data-driven deep dive on the definition, components and phases of burnout. It helps participants identify signs, symptoms, and causes so they can mitigate and prevent burnout in themselves and others.

    Visit our burnout education page for more details.

  • Is your team struggling with empathy, insight and awareness? Improve internal communication and collaboration through an interactive workshop using the personal washing instructions canvas that clarifies how team members want to be treated.

  • What are the obstacles facing your team when it comes to being fully engaged at work? This workshop includes team data collection through surveys, focus groups or individual interviews to fully customize the workshop to your team’s needs.

    Customized workshops last 3-4 hours and include content from the topics listed above, while also addressing team-specific goals such as developing trust in leadership, team building, strategic planning, change management and more.

  • Is your team struggling to connect while working remotely? Has your communication deteriorated since adding more digital communication channels (Slack, Teams, Email, Phone, Text, Calendars, etc.)?

    Improving engagement in remote and hybrid teams requires a unique approach - yet only 10% of managers report receiving training on how to lead a remote workforce. WhyWork hosts virtual workshops to conduct digital channel assessments and develop team communication norms to streamline communication and improve productivity. Ask about adding the Lego Serious Play methodology virtually as well!

Other Services

  • Are you planning an upcoming conference, summit or retreat? Would you like to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to improve employee engagement for themselves and their workforce? Whether you have 50 attendees or 500, WhyWork founder Leah Phifer has extensive experience as an engaging keynote speaker, presenter and facilitator.

    Aiming for a truly memorable experience for your attendees? Ask about bringing a Lego Serious Play “mini-session” to your next event!

  • The term burnout catapulted into the spotlight in 2021 as the pandemic's physical consequences morphed into psychological ones. With 77% of Americans reporting burnout symptoms, this crisis threatens to derail our work and our lives. Misconceptions about burnout abound though - and we can't solve what we don't understand.

    WhyWork uses data-driven approaches to help individuals and teams get to the bottom of what drives burnout, along with the tools to identify and prevent it.

  • Leadership isn’t a person - it’s a system. While many leadership development programs remove an individual from their environment to impart “one-size-fits-all” leadership skills, WhyWork shows leaders how to manage most effectively within their own team. Incorporate the results from your team’s employee engagement survey, interviews and/or focus groups, and then blend this data with your personal leadership style to maximize engagement.

  • As a small business, we understand the transformative power of research and innovation. World-changing organizations need strong financial foundations too.

    That’s why we offer a comprehensive suite of grant support services designed to help you secure the funding you need to support your organization.