Insights Discovery

How would you describe the image above?

Perhaps you’d say “people with their arms raised” or “a team standing together”. Maybe you’d describe the physical environment like “sunset on a hill.” You might ascribe a feeling to it, such as as “celebratory” or “a team reveling.” However you describe it - they’re all correct. That’s the beauty - and challenge - of perception. We all perceive the same thing differently and sometimes we need help seeing through other’s eyes.

Insights Discovery is a psychometric tool, based on the psychological framework of Carl Jung, that utilizes a simple four-color model to help individuals understand their own personality preferences, communication styles, strengths, and how they contribute to a team. Everyone utilizes all four color energies and exhibits preferences for certain colors. Understanding our own preferences, and those of the people around us, helps us to appreciate other viewpoints - improving outcomes and relationships in the process. Read on to learn how you can harness this powerful tool to support your team and leadership development.

The Insights Discovery tool can be used for…

Improving Teamwork

Have you ever wished your team members could see one another’s perspectives? Could your team benefit from increased self-awareness? By understanding individual color energies—Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green, and Cool Blue—team members gain insight into their own communication styles and preferences, as well their colleagues' preferences. This understanding fosters empathy and reduces misunderstandings, leading to more effective collaboration.

For example, a "Sunshine Yellow" individual, known for their enthusiasm and brainstorming, can learn to appreciate the "Cool Blue" person's need for detailed analysis, while the "Cool Blue" individual can recognize the value of the "Sunshine Yellow" person's innovative ideas. By appreciating these diverse styles, teams can create a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Leadership Development

Elevate your leadership team's connection and effectiveness with this powerful tool. Personalized profiles and engaging exercises reveal communication styles, decision-making approaches, and blind spots, helping leaders improve their connection to one another and their teams. For example, a leader might discover their "Fiery Red" style can come across as overly directive, while a teammate's "Earth Green" preference for collaboration is essential for team buy-in. Experience the transformative power of Insights Discovery with your leadership today.

Leadership Coaching

By learning to recognize and appreciate the unique strengths of each team member, leaders can create a more inclusive and productive environment, driving performance and achieving organizational goals. Incorporate individual coaching to support your leaders in motivating their team.