What We Do

Building stronger businesses by personalizing employee engagement

  • Survey

    It’s no secret that retaining good talent is challenging these days. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. We help your individual team members uncover what truly motivates them through concise, direct surveys customized to your business.

  • Interview

    Even in a world of digital domination, there is no substitute for real conversations. Through virtual interviews, we follow up each survey with one-on-one engagement conversations to dig deeper into what each individual needs to thrive.

  • Action

    Founders, leaders, and managers may be just as overwhelmed as their team these days. We deliver a concise report offering meaningful action to take with each team member to ensure their continued engagement at work.

Not sure how to get started? WhyWork provides a free consultation to assess your team’s unique needs and recommend services to increase employee engagement, improve retention, and drive organizational success.

Other Services

  • What is the one thing you look forward to doing at work each day? What talents do you have you’re not using in your current role? Which activities help you cope with burnout?

    Your team can explore these questions and more through fun, interactive learning workshops held in-person or virtually! These half-day workshops are perfect for trainings, staff meetings or retreats. Ask about incorporating Lego Serious Play too!

  • The term burnout catapulted into the spotlight in 2021 as the pandemic's physical consequences morphed into psychological ones. With 77% of Americans reporting burnout symptoms, this crisis threatens to derail our work and our lives. Misconceptions about burnout abound though - and we can't solve what we don't understand.

    WhyWork uses data-driven approaches to help individuals and teams get to the bottom of what drives burnout, along with the tools to identify and prevent it.

  • Are you planning an upcoming conference, summit or retreat? Would you like to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to improve employee engagement for themselves and their workforce? Whether you have 50 attendees or 500, WhyWork founder Leah Phifer has extensive experience as an engaging keynote speaker, presenter and facilitator.

  • Most leadership development programs teach you how to manage a team - WhyWork shows you how to manage your team. We incorporate the results from your team’s employee engagement survey, interviews and/or focus groups, blending it with your personal leadership style to maximize engagement.

  • “41% of all employees are looking for a new job - and a staggering 53% of Millennial employees. The good news is that employers that actively solicit and act on employee feedback will have a clear competitive advantage over their peers.”

    New Survey Finds Surprising Reason Behind Great Resignation, Forbes (Dec 2021)

  • “By not understanding what their employees are running from, and what they might gravitate to, company leaders are putting their very businesses at risk. Moreover, because many employers are handling the situation similarly…some employees are deliberately choosing to withdraw entirely from traditional forms of full-time employment.”

    Great Attrition or Great Attraction? The Choice Is Yours, McKinsey & Co (Sept 2021)

  • “4.8 million parents are suffering from “preventable” burnout amidst the Great Resignation…seeing benefits as special and unique for their needs makes employees twice as likely to stay.”

    — Yael Bizouati-Kennedy, GoBankingRates (Dec 2021)

  • In the last two years, the world has faced a series of crises—COVID-19, the accelerating impacts of climate change, a reckoning with racial inequity. Addressing the next, inevitable crisis and preparing for the Great Reimagination will likely require a fundamental change at the highest levels…HR can’t do this alone.”

    From the Great Resignation to the Great Reimagination, Wall Street Journal (Nov 2021)